Planetarium Main Page
Quick Reference
Technical Background

The DOGULEAN Planetarium 3.4.3

Requirements and Recommendations

Basic Requirements

Touchscreens, Tablets, and Smartphones


If the Planetarium Runs Slowly

The Planetarium does a lot of heavy lifting in terms of 3-D graphics – around 9,000 stars, 9 planets (counting the Sun), 30 moons, 6 sets of rings. If you are using a high zoom or an increased time rate, that will increase the load, because the Planetarium has to redraw the screen more often to keep the motion of stars and planets looking smooth.

Therefore, if the Planetarium seems to be running slowly, try the following.

  1. If you have changed the zoom or the time rate, set them back to 1. You can do that by reloading the Planetarium page and clicking the “Reset to Default Settings” button on the dialog that appears.
  2. If your browser has open web pages that consume a lot of cycles. Pages with ads that keep changing, especially video ads, are a likely culprit — close them.
  3. If what you have done so far doesn't halp, close other apps that may use a lot of cycles and restart your browser
  4. As a last resort, restart your computer and try loading only the Planetarium in one browser or another.

If any of that works, play cautiously with zoom, time rate and other web pages and apps until you get a feel for what your computer can do. And whether it is a good idea to run the Planetarium on that machine.

If the Planetarium Goes Blank

  1. The simplest possibility is that you are looking at the dark side of a planet or moon. Try increasing altitude, by using the Control Panel or by pressing the “up” button by the home planet name on the onscreen controls.
  2. If that doesn't work, probably the Planetarium has been pushed too far and has suffered a numerical overflow. (Some numbers on the Control Panel may read “NaN” – for “Not a Number”.) Usually, reloading the Planetarium will fix this.
  3. If reloading does not fix it, reload again and press “Reset to Default Settings”.
  4. If that doesn't fix things, you can either clear the browser data or, if you are that kind of person, open the DevTools on the Planetarium page and clear the local storage. Then reload.
    In either case, do send me an email saying what you did just before the problem occurred.