
A Spectral Keyboard

Ebony and Ivory Revisited

To play on the keyboard slide down to it and play it by touch.

On a good touchscreen, you can play the keyboard with up to ten fingers, if your touchscreen supports that many touches.

If you don't have a touchscreen, a mouse will also work.

To change the keyboard, enter your specs and press the Generate button, below.

Repeat until you get a keyboard that you like and that is a good size for your screen.

Number of banks of keys
Number of keys in each bank that would be white on a piano.
Lowest note on Bank 1 Note: Octave:
Lowest note on Bank 2 Note: Octave:
Lowest note on Bank 3 Note: Octave:
Lowest note on Bank 4 Note: Octave:
Lowest note on Bank 5 Note: Octave: